Export customs declaration
Export customs declarationOverview
Export customs declarationFlow

Heli Supply Chain has established an efficient and professional operation process in export customs declaration, ensuring that goods can pass through customs smoothly and quickly.

Firstly, Heli Supply Chain will have in-depth communication with customers to understand key information such as the nature, quantity, and destination of the goods, and prepare the necessary documents for export customs clearance for customers based on this information, such as customs declaration forms, invoices, packing lists, etc. These documents will serve as essential materials for customs declaration, used to prove the legality and accuracy of the goods.

Secondly, Heli Supply Chain will arrange a professional customs clearance team to go to the customs for declaration. The customs declaration team has profound customs knowledge and rich operational experience, and can proficiently deal with various customs declaration issues and challenges. During the declaration process, Heli Supply Chain will ensure the accuracy and completeness of customs declaration documents to avoid delays or failures caused by document issues.

Next, the customs will inspect the declared goods. Heli Supply Chain will cooperate with customs to complete inspection work, ensuring that the product name, specifications, quantity and other information of the goods are consistent with the declaration. If the inspection is passed, the customs will issue a release notice, allowing the goods to be exported.

Finally, after the successful export of goods, Heli Supply Chain will also provide customers with follow-up services such as export tax refunds, helping customers reduce export costs and improve profitability.

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