Export business
Export businessOverview
Export businessFlow

1. Market research and demand analysis: Heli Supply Chain first conducts in-depth market research to understand the demand, competitive situation, policies and regulations of the target market. Based on this information, the company and customers jointly develop export strategies, clarify product positioning and market positioning.

2. Product Preparation and Quality Control: Based on export strategies, HeLi Supply Chain assists customers in completing product preparation, including production, packaging, labeling, and other processes. At the same time, the company strictly controls product quality to ensure that products meet international standards and customer requirements.

3. Order management and logistics arrangement: Heli Supply Chain is responsible for receiving customer orders and managing them, including order confirmation, production planning, shipping notifications, etc. At the same time, the company selects suitable transportation methods and routes based on customer needs and the characteristics of the goods, ensuring that the goods arrive at the target market on time and safely.

4. Export customs declaration and document processing: Heli Supply Chain has a professional customs declaration team, familiar with export policies and regulations of various countries, and can efficiently complete export customs declaration procedures. In addition, the company is also responsible for handling relevant documents such as contracts, invoices, packing lists, etc., to ensure the compliance of export business.

5. After sales service and feedback collection: After the goods are exported, Heli Supply Chain continues to pay attention to customer feedback and market dynamics, and provides timely after-sales service and solutions for customers. At the same time, the company continuously optimizes the export process and service quality by collecting customer feedback.

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