Freight insurance
Freight insuranceOverview
Freight insuranceFlow

Heli Supply Chain follows a rigorous and efficient process in freight insurance to ensure comprehensive protection for the enterprise.

Firstly, HeLi Supply Chain will have in-depth communication with the enterprise to understand its transportation needs, cargo characteristics, and risk concerns. On this basis, HeLi Supply Chain will recommend suitable freight insurance products for enterprises, explain insurance terms and coverage, and ensure that enterprises can fully understand the insurance content.

Secondly, HeLi Supply Chain will assist enterprises in completing insurance applications and insurance procedures. This includes filling out insurance application forms, providing relevant documents such as cargo lists and transportation contracts, as well as paying insurance premiums. Heli Supply Chain will ensure that all procedures are complete and accurate, avoiding insurance disputes caused by incomplete or incorrect information.

During the transportation of goods, HeLi Supply Chain will closely monitor the transportation status and safety of the goods. In the event of unexpected situations such as loss, damage, or loss of goods, HeLi Supply Chain will promptly assist the enterprise in applying for compensation. This includes steps such as collecting relevant evidence, filling out claims application forms, and communicating and negotiating with insurance companies to ensure that the company can receive compensation in a timely manner.

Finally, HeLi Supply Chain will also provide insurance follow-up services for enterprises, including regular evaluation of insurance effectiveness, adjustment of insurance plans, and provision of risk management advice, to help enterprises better manage supply chain risks.

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