Logistics warehousing
Logistics warehousingOverview
Logistics warehousingFlow

Through a series of carefully designed links in the logistics and warehousing process, Heli Supply Chain ensures the efficiency, accuracy, and safety of the entire process from warehousing to shipping and distribution of goods.

Firstly, after the customer places an order, the supply chain management system of Heli Supply Chain will automatically send the order information to the logistics and warehousing system to ensure timely transmission and accurate processing of the information. Subsequently, the supplier delivers the goods to the logistics warehouse, where warehouse staff conduct strict inspections and checks to ensure that the quality of the goods meets the standards.

Warehouse management is a key link in the logistics and warehousing process. After passing the inspection, the goods will be assigned a storage location and undergo warehousing operations. The inventory operation includes placing the goods in the corresponding storage location, recording the inventory information of the goods, etc., to ensure the accuracy and real-time performance of inventory data.

In the warehousing management process, Heli Supply Chain ensures the safe and orderly storage of goods through scientific inventory management and inventory counting. At the same time, the effective implementation of product classification and labeling, goods transfer, and inventory adjustment provides strong support for subsequent order picking and delivery.

The order picking and packaging process is based on customer needs, quickly and accurately selecting corresponding products from inventory, and conducting professional packaging and packaging to ensure the safety of the products during transportation.

Finally, as the final step in the logistics and warehousing process, the delivery and distribution process ensures timely delivery of goods to customers through efficient distribution networks and professional delivery personnel in the HeLi supply chain.

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