Why are the port charges for sea freight LCL imports so expensive?

In the process of sea freight import, the vessel needs to accurately select a specific dock berth to enter the port for docking, and then carry out unloading operations to safely transfer the container to the closely supervised yard area around the port, waiting for the shipper to retrieve it. This series of complex and intricate operations relies on efficient collaboration and execution by relevant departments of the port authority or professional third-party service companies. Given the use of port infrastructure and the provision of human services, related costs naturally arise as a reasonable reflection of service costs.

Why are the port charges for sea freight LCL imports so expensive?(图1)

It is worth noting that due to the regional monopoly characteristics of ports and port services, the customer group is relatively disadvantaged in bargaining power and difficult to directly affect the charging standards. To this end, the port department adopts an open and transparent approach, clearly disclosing the charging standards on its official website or official channels of the government port management department, ensuring the legality and transparency of the charges, thereby safeguarding market fairness and customers' right to know.

For the special case of LCL cargo, it also involves professional services from shipping agents or freight forwarding companies, including unpacking, tallying, and other processes. Due to the fact that the bill of lading for such goods is not directly issued by the shipping company, but by a third-party company responsible for LCL, additional bill of lading retrieval fees are incurred. This additional fee also follows the principle of openness and transparency, ensuring that customers can clearly understand and pay all reasonable fees.

In summary, freight forwarding companies generally adopt a reimbursement method for various fees incurred by ports and related services, that is, they charge customers based on the actual expenses incurred and ensure that the entire charging process is price transparent and transparent, effectively maintaining the healthy order of the market and the legitimate rights and interests of customers.



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